Dominial Indígena Tabajara de Piripiri

Area inhabited by Tabajara.




Population in the IL


Area (ha)



Legal situation Reservada
Legal jurisdiction Outros
States (FS) PI
Isolated indigenous? Não
Frontier Stripe?
Overlapping Areas 0



Towns with incidence in this Indigenous Land

Towns - Dominial Indígena Tabajara de Piripiri

# State (FS) Municipality Municipality Area (ha) IL area in the Municipality (ha) IL area in the Municipality (%)
1 PI Piripiri 140.893,40 156,00

Territorial Rights

Official recognition stage: Reservada (Outros s.n. - 09/02/2022)

Find out which is the stage off the official recognition processo of this land.

1 - Em Identificação
2 - Identificada
3 - Declarada
4 - Reservada
5 - Homologada
6 - Registrada no CRI e/ou SPU
7 - Restrição de uso
8 - Dominial Indígena
9 - Encaminhada RI
67% Finished

Reservada por Outros s.n. - 09/02/2022

Legal history

Keep up with legal history of this Indigenous Land

Related Normative Acts - Dominial Indígena Tabajara de Piripiri

Documento Stage Número Fecha Publication
Outros Reservada s.n. 09/02/2022 09/02/2022

Peoples and Demography

There is no demography information for this Indigenous Land.

Peoples Linguistic family Idioma
Año Population in the Indigenous Land Origen



Tipo de Cobertura Vegetal Cobertura (%)
Contato Savana-Floresta Estacional 100,00

Bacias Hidrográficas

Bacia Abrangência (%)
Parnaiba Baixo 100,00


Bioma Cobertura (%)
Cerrado 100,00


Distribution of the presence of the State through Funai and Sesai

National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) Special Secretariat of Indigenous Health (SESAI)
Regional Coordination Office (CR) Special Indigenous Health District (DSEI)
Nordeste II coverage no information

Indigenous Organizations

There is no stored information about Indigenous Organizations for Dominial Indígena Tabajara de Piripiri.

Projects with indigenous participation

There is no stored information about projects for Dominial Indígena Tabajara de Piripiri.

Pressures and Threats

Threats to the environment and to the life of the indigenous peoples - Dominial Indígena Tabajara de Piripiri.

Mining processes

There are records of 3 Mining processes in the region

Process number Requester Substance Affected area (ha) Stage
803046/2014 Helder Pinheiro Teles de Vasconcelos Minério de Ferro 130,76 Autorização de Pesquisa
803124/2023 AVANT GEOTECNOLOGIAS E ENGENHARIA MINERAL LTDA Minério de Ferro 24,92 Autorização de Pesquisa
803237/2022 AVANT GEOTECNOLOGIAS E ENGENHARIA MINERAL LTDA 155,68 Reconhecimento Geológico

Overlapping Areas

Não existem sobreposições desta Terra Indígena com Unidades de Conservação.


There are no news about this protected area in the database.