Terra Indígena Jacamim

Area inhabited by Wapichana.




Population in the IL

193 mil

Area (ha)



Legal situation Homologada
Legal jurisdiction Amazônia Legal
States (FS) RR
Isolated indigenous? Não
Frontier Stripe? Sim
Overlapping Areas 0



Towns with incidence in this Indigenous Land

Towns - Terra Indígena Jacamim

# State (FS) Municipality Municipality Area (ha) IL area in the Municipality (ha) IL area in the Municipality (%)
1 RR Bonfim 809.542,10 94.589,70
2 RR Caracaraí 4.739.069,10 98.982,04

Territorial Rights

Official recognition stage: Homologada (Decreto s/n. - 13/10/2005)

Find out which is the stage off the official recognition processo of this land.

1 - Em Identificação
2 - Identificada
3 - Declarada
4 - Reservada
5 - Homologada
6 - Registrada no CRI e/ou SPU
7 - Restrição de uso
8 - Dominial Indígena
9 - Encaminhada RI
67% Finished

Homologada por Decreto s/n. - 13/10/2005

Legal history

Keep up with legal history of this Indigenous Land

Related Normative Acts - Terra Indígena Jacamim

Documento Stage Número Fecha Publication
Portaria Em Estudo 257 13/03/1997 14/03/1997
Despacho Delimitada 26/05/1998 08/06/1998
Portaria Declarada 297 13/04/2000 17/04/2000
Outros Declarada 29/01/2001 29/01/2001
Resolução Declarada 122 06/05/2002 08/05/2002
Portaria Declarada 259 20/05/2002 21/05/2002
Decreto Homologada s/n 23/06/2003 24/06/2003
Decreto Homologada s/n. 11/10/2005 13/10/2005
Portaria Declarada 1440 05/10/1982
Outros Declarada 23 04/07/1984

Peoples and Demography

In accord with recent data 1538 peoples living in this IL.

Peoples Linguistic family Idioma
Wapichana Aruak Wapichana
Año Population in the Indigenous Land Origen
2019 1538 Protocolo de consulta, 2019
2015 1461 CIR
2010 1353 CIR
2007 1137 CIR
2006 1113 Funai/Boa Vista
1999 794 Funasa
1997 708 Funai
1994 212 Funai



Tipo de Cobertura Vegetal Cobertura (%)
Contato Savana-Floresta Ombrófila 27,20
Contato Savana-Formações Pioneiras 44,31
Floresta Ombrófila Aberta 14,78
Floresta Ombrófila Densa 13,71

Bacias Hidrográficas

Bacia Abrangência (%)
Negro 100,00


Bioma Cobertura (%)
Amazônia 100,00


Distribution of the presence of the State through Funai and Sesai

National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) Special Secretariat of Indigenous Health (SESAI)
Regional Coordination Office (CR) Special Indigenous Health District (DSEI)
Boa Vista coverage Leste de Roraima (RR) coverage


Agent Tipo
Igreja Católica - Diocese de Roraima OUTROS

Indigenous Organizations

There are records of 4 Indigenous Organizations in the region

Nombre Acrónimo
Conselho Indígena de Roraima CIR
Organização das Mulheres Indígenas de Roraima Omir
Organização dos Povos Indígenas de Roraima OPIR
Organização dos Professores Indígenas de Roraima OPIRR

Projects with indigenous participation

There is no stored information about projects for Terra Indígena Jacamim.

Pressures and Threats

Threats to the environment and to the life of the indigenous peoples - Terra Indígena Jacamim.

Potential risks and existing problems

Category Type
Exploração de Recursos Garimpeiro
Exploração de Recursos Pescador
Exploração de Recursos Caçador

Deforestation on Indigenous Land

This topic presents our analysis of deforestation based on data from Prodes Brazil, INPE's annual monitoring system for the suppression of native vegetation in Brazilian biomes. For more information, visit our FAQ.

Total identified of deforestation until year 2000: 0 hectares
Total identified of deforestation until 2023: 529 hectares


Area covered by the point: a hotspot indicates the existence of fire in one picture element (pixel), which varies from 1 km x 1 km to 5 km x 4 km. This pixel may contain one or several distinct fires, but these will be represented as a single spot. If a fire is very extensive, it will be detected by some neighbouring pixels: in other words, various hot spots will be associated with a single large fire.

Overlapping Areas

Não existem sobreposições desta Terra Indígena com Unidades de Conservação.


Total of 31 news about the protected area Jacamim in the database. RSS

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